السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Alhamdulillah, Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid is open for congregational prayers  IA. 

For our own safety and safety of others we must follow government guidelines as the BAME community appear to be impacted heavily in the UK.


1) Stay at home if you have been advised to self-isolate, shielding (individuals categorised as high risk or have a severe illness) or have underlying health conditions.

According to Government guidelines, if you fall into any of the categories below, we strongly advise that you do not enter the masjid until it is safe for you do so:

  • You have been advised to self isolate

  • You are shielding (individuals categorised as high risk of severe illness)

  • You have underlying health conditions e.g Respiratory illness, Severe illness, High Blood pressure, Diabetic

  • If you have any of the below symptoms:

    • Temperature or fever (higher than 37.8C)

    • Continuous coughing

    • A loss or change of smell or taste

    • Cold and Flu like symptoms

2) No congregating or socialising at any time within the masjid or outside the masjid including handshakes

3) Familiarise yourself with signs and posters around the masjid

4) For Jamā’ah times, please follow the QIS Timetable and also via the MyMosque App

5) No children under the age of 13

6) Capacity has been increased due to social distancing rules changing from 2m to 1m hence why a face mask is compulsory and a one way system is in place

7) Prayer places will be allocated First come first serve basis but please give priority to the disabled

8) During busy times when queues are long the elderly (those who can’t physically stand for long periods) may be given priority to enter the masjid

9) Masjid will be open 20mins before Jamā’ah times and close immediately after Fardh Salah

10) Once capacity has been reached masjid doors will be locked. Please follow instructions of appointed volunteers

11) Quran or Tasbeehs will not be available in the masjid

All guidelines are subject to change at short notice


  • Queue responsibly outside and remember social distancing. The floor has been marked to help you keep your distance.

  • Ensure you have performed Wudhu at home (No Wudhu or Toilet facilities)

  • Ensure you have your Prayer Mat and Face Mask

  • If Masjid is full, please follow instructions provided by the appointed volunteers

  • Upon entry into the prayer hall, a volunteer will allocate you a prayer space


  • Follow instructions by the imam and volunteers

  • Please remain seated and wait for volunteers

  • The volunteers will provide instructions on how to leave masjid. Please follow in an orderly fashion

  • No socialising at any time within the masjid or outside the masjid