Please apply using the link below


We are delighted to announce that as a part of the youth initiative here at QIS, we will be hosting a 24 hour retreat for our youth. This will be a great chance for all of our youth to connect to the Masjid much more openly while in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere under the supervision of Ulama. The programme will include a range of activities, talks and discussions with special guests, nasheeds and Qur’an recitation. Application below.

Please note the following details:

  • All boys who would like to sleepover must be 13 and over.
  • Boys under the age of 13 will not be allowed to sleep over but may participate in activities if accompanied by an adult.
  • Boys are expected to bring the following –
    • Sleeping Bag
    • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
    • Sleeping clothes (Pyjamas)
    • Spare set of clothes (Casual Wear)
    • Jubba
    • Towel
    • Notebook + Pen
  • The retreat will commence Saturday 28th December 2019 after Maghrib Salah (4:01pm)
  • The retreat will finish on Sunday 29th December 2019 after Maghrib Salah (4:02pm)
  • The children will be supervised and guided by a group of Ulama & volunteers
  • All Meals and refreshments will be provided by the Masjid.