New Property – Urgent Appeal

July 9, 2023|Comments Off on New Property – Urgent Appeal

Alhamdulillah - Through the Grace of Allah عز و جل and the support of our well-wishers, we have acquired a new premises that holds immense potential. Together, let's embark on a journey of positive transformation [...]

Mum Talk

May 31, 2023|Comments Off on Mum Talk

Assalamu Alaikum ww dearest Mums, Maryam Academy and Quwwat-Ul-Islam Masjid are excited to announce.... ???? Mum Talk! ???? A chance for mother's to experience first hand, our work with the youth at our TeenTalks. The [...]

Bonds of Mercy – 24th January 2016

January 23, 2016|Comments Off on Bonds of Mercy – 24th January 2016

Bonds of Mercy - Session 4: Relationship with Siblings Sunday 24th January 2016 11am - 12:30pm Quwwat-ul-Islam Society 62-66 Upton Lane Forest Gate London E7 9NB (Chaucer Road Women's Entrance)  

Hafiz Qasim Paruk – 28th November 2015

November 28, 2015|Comments Off on Hafiz Qasim Paruk – 28th November 2015

There will be a talk after Esha by Hafiz Qasim Paruk after Esha Salaat (6:30pm) on Saturday 28th November 2015. All brothers are requested to attend.

Bonds of Mercy – 28 November 2015

November 28, 2015|Comments Off on Bonds of Mercy – 28 November 2015

A Six Part Relationship Management Series Bonds of Mercy - Bonds of Love Session 2 Relationship with Husband Quwwat-ul-Islam Girls School 16 Chaucer Road Forest Gate London E7 9NB Free Refreshments Provided

Reconnecting Our Hearts – Shaykh Arsalan Ahmed

November 16, 2015|Comments Off on Reconnecting Our Hearts – Shaykh Arsalan Ahmed

Tazkiyah Academy Presents... Reconnecting Our Hearts by Shaykh Arsalan Ahmed (Khalifah of the Honourable Hadhrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad DB) Monday 16th November After Esha (7:30pm) Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid Upton Lane Forest Gate London E7 9LN

Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque Open Day – Saturday 7th November

November 3, 2015|Comments Off on Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque Open Day – Saturday 7th November

Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid would like to invite you to our Open Day on Saturday 7th November to come to see ‘beyond the walls’ of the local Mosque. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the community [...]

Maryam Academy Presents – Bonds of Mercy, Bonds of Love

October 20, 2015|Comments Off on Maryam Academy Presents – Bonds of Mercy, Bonds of Love

Maryam Academy & Quwwat-ul-Islam Present - Bonds of Mercy, Bonds of Love. This course will discuss the essential ingredients of developing successful spiritual and interpersonal relationships including our bond with our Creator, our Prophet ﷺ, [...]

Teen Talk – Wannabe a Celebrity?

October 15, 2015|Comments Off on Teen Talk – Wannabe a Celebrity?

Teen Talk East London Presents "Wannabe a Celebrity?" Couldn't be a celebrity? Join us as we find out about the Celebrities of Jannah and how you still have a chance to be one yourself! The [...]

Eid-ul-Adha Salaah Times

September 22, 2015|Comments Off on Eid-ul-Adha Salaah Times

Eid-ul-Adha will inshallah be celebrated on Thursday 24th September. There will be 3 Eid Salaah Khutbahs taking place. Please refer to the attached poster for the full details. Jazakallah.

Hajj: A Lover’s Journey

September 2, 2015|Comments Off on Hajj: A Lover’s Journey

Hajj: A Lover's Journey. A one day workshop on the inner dimensions of Hajj. Session 1: Maximising on the days of Dhul-Hijjah at home. Session 2: The feelings and emotions of Hajj. Saturday 5th September [...]

Hajj Advice Sessions – 16th & 22nd-23rd August

August 6, 2015|Comments Off on Hajj Advice Sessions – 16th & 22nd-23rd August

Inshallah we will be running a programme of advice session for those brothers and sisters who are planning to perform Hajj this year. The sisters' session will take place on the 16th August at 2pm [...]

Eid-ul-Fitr Salaah Times

July 14, 2015|Comments Off on Eid-ul-Fitr Salaah Times

Inshallah the arrangements for Eid-ul-Fitr will be as follows: Fajr Salaah: 4:30am 1st Eid Salaah: 5:30am Bayaan in English: Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Nawab Khutbah: Qari Irfan Entrance: Upton Lane 2nd Eid Salaah: 7:15am Bayaan in [...]

The Path to His Intimate Friendship

June 20, 2015|Comments Off on The Path to His Intimate Friendship

A double weekend series of talks to bring you closer to Allah SWT this Ramadan. True Sincere Repentance Saturday 20th June Trust in Allah Sunday 21st June Fear of Allah Saturday 27th June Contentment with [...]

Ramadan 1436 Bayaan Schedule (2015)

June 17, 2015|Comments Off on Ramadan 1436 Bayaan Schedule (2015)

We are delighted to announce that the following scholars will be delivering bayaans and short talks at our masjid after Fajr, Asr and Taraweeh salaah throughout the blessed month of Ramadan. 1st - 5th: Moulana [...]

Annual Khatm-Bukhari Jalsah 2015/1436

June 10, 2015|Comments Off on Annual Khatm-Bukhari Jalsah 2015/1436

Our Annual Khatm-Bukhari Jalsah will be taking place on Saturday 13th June 2015. The guest of honour for this event will be Mufti Umar Farooq (Shaykh-al-Hadeeth of Darul Uloom Kent & Imam of Madina Masjid, [...]

Charity Fun Day – 26th May 2015

May 18, 2015|Comments Off on Charity Fun Day – 26th May 2015

A group of local sisters have organised a charity fun day to help to raise money for specialist equipment for a hospital in Gaza, Palestine. The event will be taking place on Tuesday 26th May [...]


March 18, 2015|Comments Off on Salaat-Al-Kusoof

The Prophet ﷺ said: "Surely the sun and the moon are two signs of Allah. They do not eclipse upon the death or the life of anyone. When you witness the two signs, you should hasten for salaah." [Bukhari, Muslim] Salaat-Al-Kusoof will be taking place at Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid this Friday 20th March 2015. The salaah will begin at 9:15am and last until approximately 10:15am.