Sister’s Adult Classes

We also have Sisters adult classes running for sisters who are 18+. Classes run every Saturday 10:30am-12:45pm.

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Madrasah Quwwat-ul-Islam Adult Classes first began it’s structured adult course in January 2014 with the aim to provide affordable, high quality Islamic education to adults in the local community.

At Madrasah Quwwat-ul-Islam we hope to provide the best possible Islamic Education and give students the necessary education to better themselves, and to become sources of guidance for others in the future.

Our Alimiyyah qualified lecturers and skilled staff members have created interactive classroom environments in which students are able to engage in discussions with their teachers and fellow students, learning and solidifying their understanding of Islam.

Recitation of the Holy Quran is an essential part of Islam. The science of Tajweed is extensively looked at and practiced in the Hafs recitation method.

Learn the absolute essentials of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim to know in this short but vital course on the basics of faith, purification, prayer and central points related to one’s everyday life according to the Hanafi School.

Starting: Saturday 07th September 2019 – Saturday 28th December 2019 (17 Weeks)

Note: Course fees vary for sister’s adult classes

Registration: Please CLICK HERE to sign up – limited availability.

Subjects that will be covered:

Tajweed/ Qur’anic recitation:

Students will be in one of three groups depending on ability and application of tajweed and makharij rules after an initial assessment. All students are tested on basic reading of short letters, vowels and words through an assessment using the Qaidah.  The focus of the classes is quality of reading and not quantity or pace. Many previous students have found this particularly helpful in practicing letter pronunciation to a good standard before moving further.

Group 1 Students are taught the Arabic alphabet with correct pronunciation and makharij . this progresses to short vowels and short words.

Group 2 Students then learn to join words together and learn to apply more tajweed rules according to the standard and level of their reading, such as ghunnah,Noon and Meem saakin rules.

Group 3: Students have completed the Qaidah to a good standard and most letters and words are pronounced correctly. Focus here lies in fluency and learning rules of waqf (stopping) and Madd (elongation).

Each group will benefit for learning a certain aspect of tajweed, depending on what is required of the group. At times, a whole class learning of a tajweed rule will take place.

Memorsation of Surahs/ Dua’s:

Students will memorise short surahs from 30th juz at a very proficient level. Correct recitation of letters and tajweed rules is necessary as these are fundamental surahs required in salah. Students may take their time on memorising surahs to very good standard and this is the norm as patience and practice is needed, even with short simple surahs.

One new du’a will be given to learn every week, depending on where each student is in the du’a kitab. It is important students aim to memorise these and inculcate these sunnahs into their lives.


Each class begins with a short explanation of an excerpt in the prophet Muhammad S.A.W’s life. We will be continuing from the journey of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W to Medina. Students are encouraged to make their own notes and take lessons from what we learn from those excerpts.


Each session will end with a short explanation and lesson on fiqhi masaa’il and rulings on a verity of topics. This will alternate with Salah rulings, purification and the method of salah, with menstruation masaa’il the alternating week.

Students are really encouraged to practice what is learnt, on a daily basis at home, to further extend their learning. This is particularly the case with learning and applying makharij and gaining fluency.

Why should I learn?

How much does it cost: £60

Fees are taken in advance, at the beginning of each semester and each semester lasts for 15 weeks, unfortunately, we cannot take payments on a weekly basis.

Recitation of the Qaidah, Quran & Tajweed:

Here one starts from the basic foundations from the Qaidah and diligently moves along to reciting from the Quran. Great importance and stress is given to tajweed, which is the science of reciting the Quran with the correct rules and accurate pronunciation of each letter and sound. Every student will be put back onto the Qaidah regardless of their age, unless they pass the examination which the head teacher will take. The main aim isn’t to finish the Quran it’s to recite with Tajweed.

Essential Memorisation:

Here one memorises necessary proclamations of faith to supplications and invocations needed for prayer, as well as, supplications pertaining to everyday life such that one is in the remembrance of Allah throughout the day. One eventually moves onto committing selected portions of the Quran to memory.

General Knowledge:


al-aqīda or al-‘itiqād according to the scholars of Islam is: The firm creed that one’s heart is fixed upon without any wavering or doubt. It excludes any supposition, doubt or suspicion.

Imam Abu-Hanifa (R.A) said, “The understanding of faith is better than understanding of the science.” What he meant by faith is tawhīd and what he meant by science is the sharī’ah.

Imam Tahawi’s al-Aqidah-al-Tahawiyyah, representative of the viewpoint of ahl-al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, has long been the most widely acclaimed, and indeed indispensable, reference-work on Muslim beliefs. Being a text on Islamic doctrines, this work draws heavily on arguments set forth in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Likewise, the arguments advanced in refuting the views of sects that have deviated from the Sunnah are also taken from the Holy Quran and Sunnah

We’ll be using al-Aqidah-al-Tahawiyyah as our guide text to keep us on the straight and narrow throughout this course. It’s actually a small-ish classical aqeedah text.

Tajweed/Essential Memorisation

Fiqh(Rules of Purification and Prayer)

This will be updated InshaAllah

To register or for further information please email [email protected] or call on 07817 368 521 or SIGN UP HERE