Alhamdulillah – Through the Grace of Allah عز و جل and the support of our well-wishers, we have acquired a new premises that holds immense potential. Together, let’s embark on a journey of positive transformation and create a lasting impact in our community.

While we haven’t made final decisions on specific purposes, we envision creating a dynamic and inclusive facility. As we move forward, we are carefully considering the ideas and suggestions shared by our community. Your input is valuable to us as we work towards defining the specific purposes of the new site.

Here are a few potential uses that have been suggested:

– Youth Facilities / Youth Drop-in Centre
– Separate Female Facilities
– Social Club for Elders (Male/Female)
– Creche
– Mums & Toddlers Classes

Now is the time to show your support. Join hands with us and be a part of this transformative endeavour.

We urgently need to raise £500k as our first instalment by Friday 28th July

How can you help?

1. First & foremost, please continue make Du’aas for us.

2. Lillah Donation
We have made it convenient for you to donate through multiple channels available via:

Bank Transfer to send money directly into Quwwat ul Islam Bank Account:
Account Name: Quwwat ul Islam Society
Account Number: 19999232
Sort Code: 60-08-28
Payment Ref: New Property

Donate via PayPal:

Donate via GoFundMe:

Donate via Givey:

3. Share this message with your friends, family, and networks, and let’s support this noble cause.

Jazakumullah Khayran